This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Introduction to data analysis with R and Bioconductor

About this course


  • Familiarity with tabular data and spreadsheets.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Data organisation with Spreadsheets How to organise tabular data?
00:00 2. R and RStudio What are R and RStudio?
00:00 3. Introduction to R First commands in R
00:00 4. Starting with data First data analysis in R
00:00 5. Manipulating and analyzing data with dplyr Data analysis in R using the tidyverse meta-package
00:00 6. Data visualization Visualization in R
00:00 7. Joining tables Join tables in R
00:00 8. Next steps SummarizedExperiment
00:00 9. Bioconductor What is Bioconductor?
How can I use Bioconductor effectively for my analysis?
00:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.